English Explorers – 9-13 years old – without outings
English Explorers - Letendre - without outings
Come savor this outstanding experience, in which you will be exposed to the English language by participating in sport, art and science activities with our enthusiastic and bilingual counselors.
Learning English through exciting activities… It cannot get any better than that.
** 15h of specialty per week**
**Without outings planned**
250 $
Semaines :
//if (isset($eedc)){
// echo do_shortcode('[legende couleur=' . $couleur . ' langue="anglais"]') ;
//else {
// // ne pas afficher la légende si c'est un camps d'hivers (relâche)
// if (!isset($campHiver)){
// echo do_shortcode('[legende couleur=' . $couleur . ' ]') ;
// }